Summer is Here!


Hello Summer! It's finally here. If you're excited about the season, why not celebrate a little longer? After all, it is the longest day of the year. Here are a few fun ways to kick off summer in style.

Have a Bonfire

​Gather your friends and family and bring in summer with a bonfire. Make a night of roasting marshmallows and eating S'mores.

Host a Block Party

​Make a party out of it with your friends and neighbors. Host a block party! You can keep the fun going for a few extra hours.

Have a Backyard Campout

​Set up the tent and break out the sleeping bags and lanterns for a night in the backyard. Enjoy the warm summer night, telling stories and playing games under the stars.

Take a Sunrise Hike

​If it's the longest day of the year, why not start early? Before the temperatures heat up, hit the trail for a sunrise hike.

Summer Movie Night

​Grab the popcorn and set up the big screen in the backyard for a family movie night.

Summer is finally here! So, let's celebrate. If your summer plans include a new home, I'd happily help you with your real estate needs. Text, or call with any questions.

What Is A Memory Worth?


As we approach another Father's Day, I want to share with you a reminder of the simple yet profound moments that make this day so special. Whether you're a father, have one or cherish someone who fills that role, there's something in these small acts of love and remembrance that can touch all of us. May this story inspire you to create beautiful memories this Father’s Day.

The Story

John always found Father’s Day a challenge, because how do you encapsulate a lifetime of quiet support in a card? This year, however, he had a different idea. Amid the attic’s dusty boxes, he found an old, tarnished fishing rod that belonged to his father.

Early on Father's Day, John drove to his father's house, with the fishing rod hidden in the trunk. "Let's go for a drive," he suggested. His father agreed, curious about John’s secretive smiles.

The drive ended at the lake where they had spent countless hours when John was a boy. When John revealed the fishing rod, his father’s eyes lit up with nostalgia. "Thought we might give it another go," John said, his voice tinged with excitement.

Side by side, they cast their lines, just like old times. The fish weren’t biting, but that didn’t matter. They talked about everything and nothing, the comfortable silences speaking volumes. As the sun set, casting a golden glow over the water, John realized the best gift wasn’t the rod or the fish they never caught; it was the chance to relive special memories and create new ones, together, on this special day.

I hope this story brings a smile to your face and warmth to your heart as we celebrate the fathers in our lives. May this Father's Day be filled with cherished memories, whether they're from the past or newly made.

Happy Father's Day!