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Even if you’re not a real estate agent, you may have heard the term pocket listing before, but what does it mean?
A pocket listing is when a seller approaches a real estate agent and tells them they want to list a home for sale, but they don’t want to put it online, the MLS, or out in public at all. Why would a seller not want a public home sale?
"Pocket listings are a hidden gem."
There are 2 main reasons:
1. They might not be motivated to sell.
A lot of times, pocket listings come from homeowners who don’t want to go through the hassle of putting their home on the MLS and dealing with a ton of showings. They just want buyers who they know are going to buy.
2. They want their privacy.
The person selling the home may be a celebrity or public figure, and want their privacy. It would then be their agent’s job to let other buyers and agents know that the home was available.
If you have any questions for us about pocket listings or anything else real estate related, give us a call or send us an email. We look forward to speaking with you!